Fees and Payments

The base fee for an individual therapy session is $110 for the standard 45 minutes, $140 for a 45-minute family or marital session. Extended sessions are possible given sufficient notice such the therapist’s schedule will allow. The standard rate of extension is $25 per 15-minute increment. Note Most insurance companies do not reimburse for sessions longer than 45 minutes.

Co-payments/deductibles are due at the beginning of each session by cash, check, or charge. A $5 charge will be assessed if the co-pay is not made at the time of service and a $25 returned check fee per occurrence.

Payment for Services

We accept two payment methods for counseling services: Utilizing your health insurance.

Self-payment for services:
Cash, Check, MasterCard, or Visa are Accepted

We require a credit card guarantee in the event that your insurance company fails to pay for services or you fail to pay your co-payments or other fees that are outlined within your fee agreement.

Woman Smiling
Man on the Phone

Cancellation/No Show Policy

Your 45-minute session is reserved exclusively for you. You will be charged a fee of $50 if you fail to show for an appointment. You will be charged $50 if you are 20 minutes or later for your appointment disallowing us to meet for your session. If you must cancel an appointment please do so at least 24 hours in advance, or you will be charged a late cancellation fee of $50. These charges cannot be billed to insurance. A voice-mail answering service is available to take your after-hours calls.


Our therapists have a twenty-four-hour message service. If you leave a message for me, we are typically notified shortly of your call. If you are in an emergency situation and do not hear from us immediately then you must call a 24- hour crisis hotline, your primary care physician, your insurance company, or go to the emergency room so that you are safe and can receive the care you need.

We will attempt to respond to your call whenever we receive the call and when it is possible for us to return the call.

Other Fees and Retainers

In addition to the therapy session, therapists bill for services connection with providing the therapy with a minimum fee (6 minutes) charge such as answering emails, filing paperwork, writing reports, and telephone discussions with you are other professionals regarding your situation.

In certain situations that require the participation of a therapist outside of the normally scheduled session time such as court proceedings or conferences with a 3rd party regarding my treatment, additional fees and retainers are required. Examples include report documentation, court preparation, travel, attorney fees, and necessary expenses. Specific details are provided within your fee agreement.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest, please feel free to get in touch with us.

Call: 614.459.4490
Fax:  614.457.3656
Email: intake@ccbtcolumbus.com

Our Offices:
Columbus • Westerville • Gahanna • Lancaster • Mason • Marion • Dayton

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Our self-pay rates will soon be updated. Please contact our staff for more information.